90+ After Effects Stock Photos and Videos Bundle

Rated 4.00 out of 5 based on 1 customer rating
(4 customer reviews)

Original price was: $765.00.Current price is: $19.00.

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after effects stock footage

90+ After Effects Stock Photos and Videos Bundle: After Effects is hard. Like, really hard. But for all of you After Effects enthusiasts out there –  your life is about to get a lot easier!

Just look at the animations we’ve included in this collection. The templates here are simplified to the point where you just replace the text with your own, and the animations are applied automatically on it. Easy peasy.

Plus, in this set you’ll find short stock videos with light processing. What can you do with them? Presentations, of course. Or kinetic typography, or animated doodle overlays, or short clips, or take screenshots and use them as stock photos. It’s a treasure in here!

And don’t thank us just yet, wait till you see this awesome bonus we’ve prepared for you: 50 high-res stock photos worth $150!

Do we have to mention that this entire collection comes with an extended license, allowing you to use it in an unlimited number of personal and commercial projects, even in merchandise?

Jump on this deal now because exclusively on Inky Deals, you can get it for an incredibly low price – only $19!  

What you get inside this Stock Videos and Photos After Effects Collection:

21 After Effects Animations worth $415;

20 Stock Footage worth $200;

Bonus: 50 Stock Photos worth $150;

21 After Effects Animations worth $415

animations-preview : picture of a raccoon
animation- of an illustration of a school bus in front of a school

20 Stock Footage worth $200

Bonus: 50 Stock Photos worth $150

Business Stock Photos

Business Stock Photos

So, what are you waiting for?

Grab this 90+ After Effects Stock Photos and Videos Bundle before it’s too late!

Deal Terms for the Stock After Effects Collection:

  • This bundle is available as an instant download, after completing your purchase.
  • This deal comes with an extended commercial license and hence can be used for personal and commercial purposes with unlimited numbers of projects.
  • End products must not be used or sold in a way that is directly competitive with the original item you purchased.
  • It cannot be sublicensed, resold, shared, transferred, or otherwise redistributed on its own. You cannot share these resources with others.
  • You will get lifetime access to this bundle.
0/5 (0 Reviews)

4 reviews for 90+ After Effects Stock Photos and Videos Bundle

  1. youngju

    hello, can i see the all of aftereffect templet preview? It’s hard to judge from only four samples that are worth $415.

  2. Rated 4 out of 5

    John F (verified owner)

    The After Effects collection are nice and can be expanded. The Stock photos are very nice also. The video, well that’s a bit lacking. Overall it’s still worth $19.00

  3. roxana

    Hey there, Griffin!

    Each animation is between 10 – 15 seconds long. But you can easily combine them to get a 45 seconds video if you’d like.


  4. Griffin

    How long are each animation? Are they long enough to be a full 45 sec video?

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