Submit A Deal on InkyDeals

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  1. After you submit your product, one of our colleagues will contact you to discuss about your deal if we think it fits our audience.
  2. Once everything is in place ( arrangement, terms & conditions ) we start working on promotion for your product.
  3. Once the deal goes live, we start promoting the hell out of the deal to maximize revenue and impact.

Join hundreds of vendors already selling their digital products today.

Why sell on InkyDeals

  • No upfront marketing costs.
  • Exposure to a large audience.
  • Extra marketing channel.
  • Get traction to products
    you launch.
  • Over 500+ happy collaborators

What you get?

  • Extra income without spending anything on marketing.
  • Customers.
  • Free Website traffic.
  • Editorial features on our partner websites.

Why customers love us?

  • Highly Discounted Products.
  • Quality Products & Bundles.
  • Diversity.
  • Access to products that
    otherwise would be a lot
    more expensive.
  • Amazing customer support.

How do I get paid?

  • Once the promotion is live,
    you will get paid on a monthly
  • You get your payment via
    Paypal or Payoneer after
    taking into consideration
    refunds if any.
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